Remote Working

The traditional workplace is beginning to take a backseat as remote working becomes more and more popular among employers. Remote working, or working from home has also become a necessity of late, as I’m sure we are all well aware of by now. Today’s tech allows us to stay connected around the clock and just about anywhere. So, is remote working the future for productivity?

Many employers previously had concerns about the lack of productivity of their staff when working from home and quite rightly so. However, a large majority of remote working employees report that they face more distractions when working in the traditional office environment than they would at home. By removing factors such as a stressful commute or menial office duties, a higher morale can be achieved and in turn, increase productivity.

From an employer’s point of view, there are, however, a few things that must be taken into consideration when hiring for a remote working role.

VIPersonnel wants to help employers recruit effectively for these remote vacancies, which is why we have put together some key tips on recruiting for remote workers. Points we have covered include; the key skills you should be looking for, how you should assess their abilities and what questions you should asking in your interviews.

What are the main qualities to look out for in a remote worker?

  • Must have a pro-active approach to work and generally self-motivated.
  • They should have a proven track record in remote working.
  • Problem solving – this is a skill every home worker will need at some stage.
  • Excellent communication skills – Being isolated away from every other employee and of course other external contacts, keeping everyone in the loop in key.
  • They must be equipped to work from home effectively – Do they have an office? Laptop/ computer? Sufficient phone and signal etc.?
  • A well organised person is essential for remote working. They need to be able to keep on top of their work load and know how to prioritise in order to meet deadlines.


Recruiting tactics for remote working.

Gauge an idea – You can assess a candidates writing ability through email exchanges, text-based chats and writing exercises. Communication can be judged based on the interview or phone calls made.

Face-to-face interviews – If the applicant isn’t able to attend an in person interview due to their location, you can still hold a face to face interview with the use of Skype or similar apps. You are then able to assess body language, facial expressions, etc.

Propose a probationary or trial period – Like any other new starter, implementing a trial or probation period is a great wat to see how they work and adapt to a remote role. This can be anything from a week to 6 months long, depending on what you feel is required.


What should you ask in the interview?

What remote working experience do you have?

You want them to understand the pros and cons of working remotely.

What tools have you used to manage remote projects?

It’s important they know how to use file sharing, communication tools, etc.

How do you stay focused?

From this you can learn how they plan on fulfilling their responsibilities and deadlines. Depending on their answers, you should be able to decide if they are able to manage their time wisely.
What kind of hours do you work? Find out whether they plan on working normal office hours, so you can be sure they will be available when you need them.

How to manage a remote worker?

Schedule regular meetings to discuss projects and resolve any issues that arise before they can cause any damage.
Keep communication open so that you can provide them with the necessary feedback on their progress and they can contact you easily when they need to discuss something.
Set them up with all of the relevant tools and software that they need for the job, including tracking software, project management systems, etc.

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Positives we can take from the Coronavirus


Positives we can take from the Coronavirus

Sick of hearing nothing but bad news? Here are some positives we can take from the Coronavirus!

Whilst this current outbreak is devastating for many people across the world and in some cases deadly, we must also take this opportunity to step back and look at the many positives that are not getting enough press.

Let’s start with some facts:

  • China has closed down its last Coronavirus hospital as there’s not enough new cases to support them.
  • Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally.
  • Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against Coronavirus. –
  • A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China.
  • Apple reopens all 42 china stores,
  • Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.
  • Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is declining.
  • Italy is hit hard, experts say, only because they have the oldest population in Europe.
  • Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a Coronavirus vaccine.
  • 3 Maryland Coronavirus patients fully recovered; able to return to everyday life.
  • A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research.
  • A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.
  • So it’s not all bad news.


But some of the more important things in life are also taking a turn for the better. Here are, perhaps more relevant positives we can take from the Coronavirus…

1). We are more hygienic!

At a guess, 90% of the viruses I’ve contracted in adult life were delivered via public transport. Now, I’m not touching handrails, escalators, handles, lift buttons, or the handle to my shopping trolley. People who rarely bother washing their hands after the loo are now making the effort, and fewer germs are being spread in offices and schools.

2). Home is where the heart is.

We spend all our lives working to pay for a home we spend a minority of our time in. If asked, or deciding, to self-isolate, you will finally get the chance to enjoy it. Take comfort in the home you have built with the people who mean the most to you.

3). Bye bye, air pollution

People aren’t driving and planes are grounded. The air hasn’t been this clean since before the Industrial Revolution, and road accidents will be down too.

All right, delivery drivers are working like never before, but on the upside you will at least be home to receive your parcel, for once.


4). More Support for local Companies

With big high street shops and chains on the brink of being completely emptied, (because apparently 1000 loo rolls are the answer to everything!) people are turning to the smaller shops and businesses for their essentials.

5). The knock on effect of kindness.

One thing I have noticed in society, panic buyers aside, is how much new found respect and generosity people and businesses have for each other. Faith in humanity is restored when you see the likes of McDonald’s and Pret A Manger offering free drinks to all NHS staff who are working around the clock to ensure public safety and well-being. Young people are taking more care for elders in the community, offering help to secure essential items which they are struggling to get themselves. We as people are all products of society’s actions and if we all continue to work together and support each other in this way, we will pull though this difficult time and perhaps even be better people as a result.


As a small company ourselves, we too are feeling the effect of this Pandemic, however it’s business as usual here at VIP and we are remaining positive, so any companies who need our support with recruitment, or anyone who is looking to secure a new position, then please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

We hope that our network of Clients, candidates and communities far and wide stay safe, in good health and are not effected too much during this outbreak.

We would like to take this opportunity to ask everybody to keep ourselves and other small businesses in mind and thank you all for your support during this difficult time.



So, next time you speak to someone about it, maybe you too can spread the word and tell others what positives we can take from the Coronavirus.

Its our Birthday

It’s our Birthday


VIP are celebrating six years in business and as we reach this milestone it’s good to reflect on how far we have come.

Six years ago we started up in a small office from home with just two clients. We had one goal – to do things our way and provide the best service for our clients and candidates alike. We now have over thirty regular clients using our services, including our first two clients which we are truly grateful for as they played such a key part in kick-starting our venture.

We still remember constantly pressing the ‘send and receive’ button on Outlook as we awaited a response to our first introductory email sent to dozens of potential clients across the city.

How different it is today. With no sign of slowing down or pressing the send and receive button, we have regular recommendations and referrals coming in all the time throughout our network and have now established ourselves as one of the region’s most trustworthy and go to agencies.

But what hasn’t changed is our business ethos – it was always to be the best and not the biggest and that still stands today.

What will never change, cheesy as it may be, is the feeling of delivering that life changing news to a Candidate that they have secured their new position, which will inevitably lead to a greater quality of life/more disposable income/a new home/car/fantastic holiday/a treat for their children will never get old.

That said, we are still so proud that our company has grown at such a rate, and that we count local, regional, and national businesses among our client base, including small, medium and large-scale enterprises.

Moving forward into our seventh year, we aim to bring VIP into the limelight buy getting together with our trusted Marketing Company who are putting together a marketing strategy for us to grow even further – watch this space!

We don’t know what the next six years will bring, but we can promise the same level of commitment and service that has come to define our business and reputation.

A massive thank you to our loyal Clients, Candidates, and everyone who has been part of our success, we truly appreciate your support and we very much look forward to another successful six years.