Recruiters Fees

When I hear that companies avoid using recruitment agencies due to the excessive recruiters fees, it makes me wonder, why? I also wonder what they would feel comfortable paying, or more to the point, how little they know about what recruiters actually do to warrant charging that amount of money.


Recruiter’s fees in brief.

Most agencies only charge a fee upon a successful placement. This fee is usually a percentage of anything from 10-30% of the candidates starting basic salary. Having worked in commercial recruitment now for several years, I’d say 15% is the typical percentage an agency would charge for your average job role. The equivalent would be slightly less than 2 months’ salary of that candidate. Sounds a lot I hear you say? The thing is, recruitment agencies do much more than send a couple of CV’s followed by an invoice.

So how is the fee justified?

A fair question which deserves a fair answer. Charging a client thousands of pounds for merely providing an introduction to a candidate does seem absurd, and, for those outside the process it does appear to be an extortionate amount of money for what seems like a very small amount of work. Think again.

What you get for your money. The recruiters expert knowledge of the industry, their extensive network to find the best fits for the role, and their management skills to ensure a smooth and easy process, up to and including ensuring the candidate turns up to work on their first day.

When a company decides to instruct a recruitment agency, the client has already started getting their money’s worth, after all they aren’t just paying for a few CV’s. There is substantial amount of work the recruiter has to put in in order to successfully fill that vacancy. Let’s not forget that the recruiter’s fee is comprised of two separate charges; a charge for the time, expertise and effort put into the role, and a charge for the risk the agency accepts under a contingency model.

From the moment a recruiter receives a job, the work begins. From sourcing suitable candidates, making hundreds of calls, Identifying available candidates, explaining the role over and over again, taking time to meet and register candidates, prequalifying and assessing as well as personality profiling them, all to ensure a successful placement. This process takes a lot of time and is one of the main reasons a company would benefit from using agencies. It doesn’t stop there. There are a number of risks involved for the recruiter, they often work a large number of roles at once, some not even resulting in a fee. Many companies decide to instruct more than one agency at a time, meaning the recruiter is facing competition and a chance they might not make a fee at all. There is a very high likelihood that the time and effort a recruiter puts into a role will not result in a fee and placement, then it makes sense that a recruiter has to charge a higher fee for a successful placement – simply because most of their work will not result in a fee.


So, whilst an individual fee for a successful placement may seem excessively high, it has to be considered within context: in order to make that placement, the recruiter used their recourses in order to find the right candidates, they put the time in to prequalify them and more importantly, the company ends up with no hassle, no stress, more time and a fantastic set of candidates to choose from.

Costs aside, the long term benefits of using a recruitment agency far outweigh the cost of getting it wrong.

If you think it’s expensive to employ a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.

Very Important Personnel- Our Values

Interview Do's and Don'ts

Interview Do’s and Don’ts

We have tried to create a valuable list of Interview Do’s and Don’ts to help you achieve success at interview stage of the job hunting process. By taking note of these simple Interview Do’s and Don’ts, you WILL increase your chances of being hired.



  • Take a practice run to the location where you are having the interview before hand, or at least be 100% sure of where it is and how long it will take you to get there. Turning up late to an interview is as good as telling them that you don’t want the job. If you are going to be late, phone the company to advise them and hope that they understand.
  • Research and know the type of job interview you will encounter. Depending on the type of interview you have, tailor your approach. Be prepared – research interview questions they may ask (see our Interview tips for some commonly asked interview questions) but never over-rehearse your answers.
  • Dress to impress! Or at least appropriate for the job, the company and the industry.
  • You only get one chance to make a first impression. Greet the receptionist or assistant with courtesy and respect. This could be one of the most important things to remember and could also be the reason you have the edge over others. First impressions count.
  • In the likely event that you are presented with a job application or questionnaire, fill it out neatly, and accurately without leaving anything unanswered. This could just be a test of your attention to detail.
  • Take extra CV’s to the interview, or even better, a job-skills portfolio if you have one. This not only shows that you are prepared but also shows that you are proud of your achievements. Show enthusiasm to demonstrate your hard work.
  • Greet the interviewer(s) by title (Mrs, Mr, Dr) and last name if you are sure of the pronunciation. (If you’re not sure, do ask the receptionist about the pronunciation before going into the interview.
  • A good handshake says 1000 words. Shake hands firmly. Don’t have a limp or clammy handshake!
  • Wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Remember body language and posture: sit upright and look alert and interested at all times.
  • Make good eye contact with your interviewer, a shy and cagey approach will put the interviewer right off you.
  • Make sure that your strengths and strong points come across clearly to the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner.
  • Show off the research you have done on the company and industry when responding to questions.
  • Show enthusiasm in the position and the company.
  • Close the interview by telling the interviewer that you want the job and asking about the next step in the process. Some experts even say you should close the interview by asking for the job.
  • Another good way to close is by replying to their last question which is normally, “Do you have any final questions?”, simply ask them “do you have any concerns or reservations about me?” This will reduce the chances of negative feedback at a later date and also gives you a chance to handle any objections there and then. By answering – “No, I think you have covered everything, shows lack of interest and hunger for information.



  • Don’t smoke prior to your interview, a bad smell is enough to put anyone off.
  • Don’t be over confident, walking in like you own the place will not work. Simply putting any nerves to one side and speaking clearly is enough confidence for an interview.
  • Don’t fidget or slouch.
  • Don’t use poor language, slang, and pause words (such as “like”, “uh”, and “erm”).
  • Don’t act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment. You have to be more specific with your ambitions and aspirations.
  • Don’t say anything negative about former colleagues, supervisors, employers and of course yourself.
  • Don’t tell jokes during the interview. Understanding someone’s sense of humour can take weeks.
  • They are interviewing you – Not your CV. Don’t rely on your application or CV to do the selling for you. No matter how qualified you are for the position, you will need to sell yourself to the interviewer.
  • Don’t ever lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly.
  • Don’t chew gum during the interview.
  • Don’t answer questions with a simple “yes” or “no.” Try to answer each question with at least 2 or 3 sentences to showcase your skills, experience and ambition.
  • Don’t bring up or discuss personal issues or family problems.
  • Don’t respond to any questions, no matter how unexpected or irrelevant with an extended pause or by saying something like, “boy, that’s a good question.” A short pause is ok, or even repeating the question aloud should give you enough time to think of a suitable answer.
  • Don’t answer your mobile phone during the interview, turn it off (or set it to silent) before the interview.
  • Don’t inquire about salary, holiday entitlement, bonuses, retirement, or other benefits until after you’ve received an offer. Chances are they will tell you but asking about them makes it seem like you are only interested in what they can offer you.


If you found this useful and also want to read some tips on how to control the interview, Click here.