Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the team at Very Important Personnel!


First of all, a huge Thank You and Merry Christmas to our Clients, Candidates and everybody else who has offered support to us here at VIPersonnel in 2018.

This year we have once again surpassed our own expectations, hit and exceeded targets, acquired some fantastic recruitment tools that will help us recruit even more effectively next year, built relationships with even more clients and met some great people along the way.

We are extremely grateful for the ever growing number of Clients who continue to use our services, we hope you have enjoyed 2018 as much as we have. Having you on board has really made a difference, not only financially but personally. Your custom and consideration has enabled us to keep on doing what we love, here’s to an even better business year in 2019.

Also, a massive well done and congratulations to our successful candidates this year. We managed to help even more candidates than last year, matching their skills to jobs that were both ideal for the candidate and advantageous for our clients. We hope you have enjoyed your new roles so far and will continue to do us proud and make a great future for yourselves at your new companies.


Have a very Merry Christmas!

See you in the New Year!

Online training with HELP

Online Training from HELP!

Online Training from HELP!

You would think that one-on-one training would cost a fortune and be time-consuming to organise. Well, it isn’t! Our trusted associates, Honest Employment Law Practice (HELP) based in Cannock, Staffordshire, have put together an eLearning platform, providing companies with a solution to online training at a fraction of the cost.

Their one-on-one tutor led interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual. It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that’ll be retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant.

At a fraction of the cost and management time than you’d expect, this health & safety online training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

To find out more about which training courses are available, click the links below. HELP offer courses in following categories:

Health & Safety


  • First Aid
  • Asbestos
  • Legionella
  • Abrasive Wheels
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Training


Business Skills


  • Data Protection in the Workplace
  • Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
  • Equality, Diversity & Discrimination
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management


Health & Social Care


  • Safeguarding
  • Introduction to Safe Handling of Medicines
  • Infection Control
  • Understanding your Role in Care
  • Dementia Awareness



Contact Honest Employment Law Practice to find out more about Online Training from HELP:


Honest Employment Law Practice Ltd

3rd Floor Virage Point
Virage Park
Green Lane
WS11 0NH

Head Office Phone Number: 01543 431050



For a similar article related to Honest Employment Law Practice, read National Minimum Wage 

National Minimum Wage

National Minimum Wage 2018

Almost all workers in the UK are entitled to be paid at least the National Minimum Wage – or the National Living Wage if you’re 25 or over.

HMRC identified a record £15.6m of underpayments for workers on the minimum wage this year, which saw some 600 employers fined £14m for not meeting legal obligations. This was double the previous year’s figure and the highest number since the National Minimum Wage came into force.

With record numbers of workers underpaid last year, VIPersonnel are here to remind you that the current rates for the National Minimum Wage are as follows:

25+ = £7.83
21 – 24 = £7.38
18 – 20 = £5.90
Under 18 = £4.20
Apprentice = £3.70

All the rates of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) increased on 1st April 2018 to the above rates, including the National Living Wage (NLW). The National Minimum Wage is worked out as an hourly rate, but it applies even if you are not paid by the hour.

So are you entitled to the National Minimum Wage?

You must be at least school leaving age (the last Friday in June of the school year in which you turn 16) to get the National Minimum Wage.
Almost all workers are entitled to the NMW, including:

  • Casual workers
  • Part-time workers
  • Temporary workers

But if you’re self-employed or a company director, you’re not entitled to the National Minimum Wage.

What doesn’t count towards the National Minimum Wage?

You might be paid at a higher rate than your standard pay rate for some of the work you do – for example, for working:

  • Overtime, weekend or night shifts
  • On bank holidays
  • Longer than a certain number of hours.

If you are, the premium element of pay – that is, the amount the higher pay rate exceeds your basic rate – does not count towards your minimum wage pay.

Your employer also cannot count the following towards your minimum wage pay:

  • Tips or gratuities
  • Service charges
  • Cover charges from customers.

However, your employer can include incentive payments or bonuses as part of your basic pay.

Need help?

For further advice on the National Minimum Wage, National Living Wage, or any other rates, call our trusted business associates, Honest Employment Law Practice (H.E.L.P) on 01543 431 050.

Honest Employment Law Practice Ltd offer a pay-as-you-go monthly retainer service across the UK. Employment Law advice, HR advice and Health & Safety consultants with no long term contracts for clients both in the Public and Private sector – just Help on your terms! From full support for the smaller business, to assistance for the existing staff of larger companies, they can tailor a service specifically for your needs.


Looking for a new start? 

The good news is, that all of our current vacancies are well above the National Minimum Wage, Take a look.

Clarity wealth management logo

Clarity Wealth Management

Very Important Personnel are proud to announce our partnership with Clarity Wealth Management.

At the beginning of 2018, Very Important personnel started networking extensively within the West Midlands area with likeminded individuals from a variety of industries and businesses. We did this for a number of reasons: To Drive Word-Of-Mouth Recommendations, this being the essential reason for networking; to gain a broader understanding of Market Opportunities; to get new ideas and innovations; find inspiration both within and outside of our own organisation; improve our communication techniques; assist where we can with other businesses in our network, the list goes on. Not to mention we’ve made some great new friends along the way.
In one particular and very exclusive networking group that we attend, symmetry between Clarity Wealth Management and Very Important Personnel was quickly formed. Clarity offer services that are undoubtedly beneficial and if we can offer their services to people that will benefit from them, then we will – It’s as simple as that.
Our Aim is to spread an awareness of such services to clients and candidates in our network, after all, helping people progress in life in what we do, why should we stop at providing job opportunities if we can help them financially too?

“Planning your finances is an investment in your life, it’s not just about money”

A philosophy that Clarity Wealth management have adopted and one that we here at VIPersonnel can relate to. You see, it’s a bit like recruitment, in that, planning your next career move is an investment in your life, it’s just about the package that you are offered.

About Clarity Wealth Management.
Clarity have offices in Totnes, Birmingham, Plymouth and London, offering services such as Pensions, Investments, Life assurance and Mortgages.
Their aim is to help you plan for today, tomorrow, your retirement and beyond. Bringing you financial clarity whatever your background, whatever your business, whatever your outlook.
With a passion for simplifying the complex, they love nothing more than being able to help individuals, families, and businesses make the right financial and life decisions.

What to expect when you are with Clarity:
o Financial planning that is lifestyle based
o Clear concise advice (no jargon)
o Life planning as well as estate planning
o Behavioral coaching that enables financial success
o Cash flow modelling
o Investment management that is goal based always personal to you
o Always on hand to help you realise your financial goals.

What they won’t do:
o Make predictions
o Time the market
o Provide high returns with low volatility
o Manage your money without understanding and having a clear financial plan
o Allow you to do anything they wouldn’t do themselves.

The services that Clarity offer:

Are you getting a good return on your money? Unit Trusts/NISAs or Investment Bonds can provide a flexible, tax efficient means of saving lump sums or regular monthly amounts.

Critical Illness and Income Replacement Insurance
You are much more likely to suffer a serious illness than die before retirement and at this very worrying time, you and your family should not be worrying about a loss of income or money problems.

Life Protection
The need for protection through Life assurance can be of paramount importance. As Independent
Financial Advisers, Clarity Wealth Management can search the market for the most competitive terms.

The state will provide but only in a limited way. Your employer has a responsibility now to provide a company or workplace scheme. However even if you have existing pensions in place with your employer or privately, will they provide you with enough to live on when you retire?

Inheritance Tax Planning
Inheritance tax is a tax on your estate when you die and is also sometimes payable on Trusts or
Gifts made in your lifetime. With focussed planning you may be able to reduce the bill or avoid
Inheritance Tax altogether.

Workplace Pensions
Are you looking to set up a pension scheme for you and your employees? Clarity can advise you on the most efficient way and the best providers to suit your needs.

Whether you are stepping up the property ladder, buying a property as an investment, downsizing to fund your retirement, or re-mortgaging your existing home, Clarity have the depth of knowledge and understanding of the mortgage market required to genuinely recommend the most suitable mortgage for you.

So, how can I get in touch?
Call Clarity direct. Here is a link to their contact page
Or, Call Daniel at VIPersonnel for further details.

GDPR Overview

A brief GDPR Overview for those who need a bit of clarity on the basics of GDPR.


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will be replacing the current 1998 Data Protection Act.

When Does The New Regulation Start?

25th May, 2018.


What Is Personal Data?

The Key Terms:

GDPR and other data protection laws rely on the term ‘personal data’ to discuss information about individuals. There are two key types of personal data in the UK and they cover different categories of information.

Personal Data

Personal data can be anything that allows a living person to be directly or indirectly identified. This may be a name, an address, or even an IP address. It includes automated personal data or any type of data that a person can be identified from it.

Sensitive Personal Data

GDPR calls sensitive personal data as being in ‘special categories’ of information. These include trade union membership, religious beliefs, political opinions, racial information, and sexual orientation.


When personal data is processed or collected by a company, it must be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for processing.
  • Accurate and kept up to date.
  • Kept in a form such that the data subject can be identified only as long as is necessary for processing.
  • Processed in a manner that ensures its security.

And can only:

  • Be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes.


So, what’s different?

  • In the full text of GDPR there are 99 articles setting out the rights of individuals and obligations placed on organisations covered by the regulation. These include allowing people to have easier access to the data companies hold about them, a new fines regime and a clear responsibility for organisations to obtain the consent of people they collect information about.
  • The regulation itself is a long document (118 pages of legalese), and failure to meet the requirements could turn out to be expensive – up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million, whichever is greater.


Who Will Enforce It In The UK?

The Information Commissioner’s Office


Who Is In Charge Of GDPR In The UK?


The Department for Culture, Media and Sport is the government arm responsible for ensuring that UK law complies with the requirements of GDPR. The government body is responsible for creating the UK’s Data Protection Bill but won’t have control of the day-to-day elements of GDPR once it is enforced.


Once the provisions of GDPR become law in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will be responsible for enforcing them. The ICO has the power to conduct criminal investigations and issue fines. It is also providing organisations with huge amounts of guidance about how to comply with GDPR.



Accountability and compliance

Companies covered by the GDPR will be more accountable for their handling of people’s personal information. This can include having data protection policies, data protection impact assessments and having relevant documents on how data is processed.

For companies that have more than 250 employees, there’s a need to have documentation of why people’s information is being collected and processed, descriptions of the information that’s held, how long it’s being kept for and descriptions of technical security measures in place.

Additionally, companies that have “regular and systematic monitoring” of individuals at a large scale or process a lot of sensitive personal data have to employ a data protection officer (DPO). For many organisations covered by GDPR, this may mean having to hire a new member of staff – although larger businesses and public authorities may already have people in this role. In this job, the person has to report to senior members of staff, monitor compliance with GDPR and be a point of contact for employees and customers.

There’s also a requirement for businesses to obtain consent to process data in some situations. When an organisation is relying on consent to lawfully use a person’s information they have to clearly explain that consent is being given and there has to be a “positive opt-in”.



How are business’s preparing for GDPR?

When implemented, GDPR will have a varying impact on businesses and organisations: for instance, not every company will require a data protection officer.

Companies will be taking steps to ensure all angles are covered and by May 25th, all if not most of the requirements of GDPR should have been met. Steps such as making senior business leaders aware of the regulation, updating procedures around access requests, determining which info is held and what should happen in the event of a data breach.

The ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) says that “many of the GDPR’s main concepts and principles are much the same as those in the current Data Protection Act (DPA)”. It adds for businesses already complying with the current data protection law, its highly likely they will be meeting many of the GDPR principles.

As well as this guidance, the ICO created a phone service to help small businesses prepare for GDPR, a tool that a lot of companies will have undoubtedly taken advantage of. The service provides answers about how small companies can implement GDPR procedures.

Over the course of the next 4 weeks prior to the new regulations taking effect, companies will be sending mass email campaigns to customers, clients, partners and employees throughout Europe. So don’t be surprised to see a few show up in your inbox. These emails are compulsory, to adhere to the new GDPR regulations. You may be asked to actively opt in or manually opt to stay subscribed to mailing lists, effectively giving said company the permission to hold your data.


To conclude:

Despite the overwhelming amount of information and paperwork that comes with the new regulations, not to mention the importance of compliance, there will be no overnight witch hunt come May 25th. There are still many grey areas that the ICO haven’t nailed down. That said, the basics of this new regime should still be actioned and companies will be required to abide by the new laws, however, it will take a bit of trial and error, time and many discussions to make GDPR effective and watertight moving forward.

Hope that helps with your concerns about GDPR and what it means.


Very Important Personnel’s updated privacy policy can be viewed here. 

4 Years Old Today!

Wow. Very Important Personnel is 4 years old today! Even though we always believed in the company mission, it’s been a real roller coaster ride.

Starting a company, especially one that offers a service, is far from easy. For starters, we invested months in the development of our tailored service that would later prove to be efficient and useful to our clients, making their recruitment process effortless, professional and even exciting at times.


Of course, there’s a part of luck with such road trip. While I like to say that we make our own luck, there are certain events that can just happen. By luck, I mean some events that have made our company into the success it is today. To name a few, over the course of the past 4 years, Very Important Personnel has never really spent a great deal on marketing or advertising. Only a few hundred pounds has been spent to date on a Marketing campaign in a partnership with Birmingham City Football Club for 2018. That said we have been lucky in that we have had an overwhelming amount of loyal clients who love to use our services, as well as candidates that can’t send their CV to us quick enough.


Another piece of luck was when we were invited to a group that only hosts 10 businesses in the whole of the West Midlands, Here, we invest a little bit of our time share strategies and pass leads to help each other’s businesses grow. This has proven to be very beneficial to us and hasn’t cost us a penny, just a few hours every couple of weeks. Well worth it I say and real privilege to be a part of.


On top of that, we would like to thank the clients and candidates that have help us make Very Important Personnel the success it is today. We have been lucky enough to work with some awesome companies over the 4 years we have been in business. Not only did they help us develop our services through giving us the initial opportunity but also in continuing to use us as their main recruitment tool. They have also been very forgiving of any mistakes we have made. Nobody has ever succeeded in business without making any mistakes, Fact! However, the patience and loyalty that we received from such companies is highly appreciated and has allowed us to learn and develop further. What’s more, they have kept us alive. I like to say that I’d get up in the middle of any Sunday night to order them a pizza if they’d need it. Offering honest and friendly customer service to our clients is the main reason VIPersonnel has been growing steadily since the very beginning. That’s part of the company’s deep core values and I can assure you, this is not going to change.


So where are we now? Well, we are not a “startup” anymore. We have a working business model, great clients, experienced employees, fantastic providers, the list goes on and on. In other words, we are here to stay!


Our vision for the next four years is to create even tighter relationships with our best clients. Of course we welcome any new business and hope to create even more partnerships moving forward. We don’t want 100,000 clients like some popular start-ups do. We are more like your local friendly restaurant where everybody knows your name and you are guaranteed that you will be treated like a real VIP.


Thank you for having helped us become what we are today. I hope we’ll be up to your expectations for another 4 years!

Hiring Employees

Hiring employees isn’t as simple as finding people with the right skills and giving them the keys to your business. People aren’t robots, and skills alone don’t make a good employee-employer fit. While I believe there are plenty of things entrepreneurs shouldn’t waste money on, hiring and retaining great people is well worth the time and effort it takes. Here are six steps to help you do it:


1. Know What You Want

Nothing is more frustrating to both you and a prospective employee, than being wishy-washy about what you’re looking for in a candidate.
Before you even start asking around or advertising for staff, make a list of what you need from your new hire. Don’t just list skills, list personality requirements and desired details about the type of person who will best fit into the culture you’re trying to create. Identify the knowledge, skills, and traits that will make someone successful in your company, and hire based on that profile.


2. Carefully Structure Your Interviews

An interview is a conversation with a purpose, and in order to succeed it has to be carefully planned.
One way to conduct a good interview is to avoid questions that candidates have likely planned answers to. Instead of asking a candidate to list his or her greatest strengths and weaknesses, ask questions like “What did you learn from your last job?” or “Can you tell me about a time you failed and the lesson you learned?” These questions are less expected and will give you more insight into a particular candidate.
Hiring employees isn’t just about the interview process either…


3. Review Feedback

If you have other staff helping you with the interviews, make sure to take their opinions into account. Often, they can see concerns that you might have missed, especially when it comes to company culture and fit. While it’s up to you to make the final decision, outside input shouldn’t be ignored.


4. Choose Wisely

When you’re looking to make the offer, don’t just think about who has the best fit for the current position. Choose the qualified candidate that has the most upsides and that is most likely to grow within your company.
How can you tell which candidate offers this particular advantage? Evaluate things like their hunger to learn, whether the candidate actively keeps up with the industry, and an active commitment to professional growth. If you don’t see these characteristics, the candidate likely lacks the ability or desire to develop their role within your business.


5. Compete on Culture

Once you have a great employee in place, you want to keep them, and the best way to achieve retention is by developing a culture that’s the envy of your industry. Is your company worth of a “Best Places to Work” listing? If not, why not? Your company should be founded on solid vision and mission statements, so put these ideas to work within your culture. A great culture will help you to avoid the serious problems of disengagement and turnover.


6. Emphasize Professional Development

Of course, if you choose the candidates that are most motivated to grow within your company, you have to follow that up with a focus on professional development. Letting your staff know that their success matters to you and to the business is a great way to help retain top employees. Implement programs that develop your staff’s skills, and watch your business succeed as a result of your motivated, well-trained employees.


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How to Avoid a Bad Hire

New Year New Recruitment

New Year, New Recruitment

Hello 2018!

New Year, New Recruitment. The New Year is a great time to make changes in your life, and your career. You can turn over a new leaf in almost any aspect of your life. Recruitment is no different. If you’re involved in hiring staff, you could always be doing better, even if you’re already recruiting at a high standard…so why not make some Recruitment Resolutions?

While you’re writing your list of personal goals for the year, throw in a few aims to save time, money and stress – target the things that you feel need fixing in your recruitment strategy.


Do you sometimes fail to fill a vacancy at all?

This can be a problem but not as much of one as recruiting the wrong person. It’s good to be cautious and not recruit somebody just because they’re the least bad of a poor bunch. It’s much cheaper to run the recruitment campaign again now rather than go through the costs associated with onboarding, poor quality work, dismissal and then a second campaign.

All the same, regularly failing to fill is a problem that needs to be looked at. Are you attracting the wrong people or nobody at all? Check your outlets and the wording of your job advertisements.

Essentially, your most important resolution should be to not be afraid of change!

Many companies fall into the habit of doing their recruitment as it has always been done, and although a new concept might seem scary at first it could be massively beneficial to you and your company going forward.


So how can VIPersonnel help you?

We can expect to see continuations of trends that have been occurring for several years now. Here at VIPersonnel, we have made it even easier for our clients to outsource their recruitment. Our tailored service allows you to get on with what you do best, while we work to find you the best possible candidates for your vacancies, the first time around.

  • With our easy to navigate mobile website, it is now even easier for candidates to apply for your vacancies.
  • We also have access to millions of CV’s across the UK.
  • We actively source, shortlist and interview all candidates before sending the best ones to you.
  • It cost nothing, until you are completely satisfied with “the successful candidate”. Even then we are very cost effective and extremely competitive with our fees.
  • We offer a personable service, something we are very proud of being able to do here at VIP. Many of our clients will agree that we always go above and beyond when it comes to finding the best talent there is and relieving the stress of this sometimes mammoth task.



Why use VIPersonnel now?

We’re sorry to say it but coming back to work after the New Year is a disappointing experience. Turkey, presents and fireworks are by now long forgotten, and now you’re back at the office – and at what happens to be the busiest time of year for hiring.

Here’s a few reasons you’re likely to have a lot on your plate in Quarter One:

  • Work of all kinds gets done that had been put off due to people on holiday over the Christmas season.
  • Based on previous years, we have experienced the busiest months in the first quarter for candidates looking to better their careers.
  • New strategies and goals come into play at work (kind of like a company’s own resolution!) often resulting in hiring new or more staff.


January is a great time to find the motivation to make the changes needed in your recruitment strategy, take the leap and let us deal with this for you, you have enough to do as it is.


Get in touch!

VIPersonnel thrives on placing people in top roles that they love. You can be sure of filling your next placement with ease, confidence and reliability, thanks to our dedicated team.

Don’t fill your day with interviews and screening. Just get in touch with VIPersonnel and let us help you take your first step towards a more successful 2018.

0121 647 6695


To see what Jobs we have to kick off 2018, click here.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the team at Very Important Personnel!


First of all, a huge Thank You and Merry Christmas to our Clients, Candidates and everybody else who has offered support to us here at VIPersonnel in 2017.

This year we have once again surpassed our own expectations, hit and exceeded targets, acquired some fantastic recruitment tools that will help us recruit even more effectively next year, built relationships with even more clients and met some great people along the way.

We are extremely grateful for the ever growing number of Clients who continue to use our services, we hope you have enjoyed 2017 as much as we have. Having you on board has really made a difference, not only financially but personally. Your custom and consideration has enabled us to keep on doing what we love, here’s to an even better business year in 2018.

Also, a massive well done and congratulations to our successful candidates this year. We managed to help even more candidates than last year, matching their skills to jobs that were both ideal for the candidate and advantageous for our clients. We hope you have enjoyed your new roles so far and will continue to do us proud and make a great future for yourselves at your new companies.

For those we are yet to help, why not take a look at what vacancies we have moving into 2018, You’re next career might just be a click away… 

Have a very Merry Christmas!

See you in the New Year!

Sportwise logo


Sportwise, established in 1987, who now employ over 25 staff at their head office in Derby, specialise in the placement of advertising space that would fund various publications for professional sports clubs, in some cases generating much-needed revenue.

During the past 20 years, a trusting relationship has formed between Sportwise and the clubs that they work alongside. They have generated a staggering amount of money for them over this time, over half a million pounds.

Their products include; Desk Diaries, Year Planners, Fixture Charts and Fixture Cards. Although not a high priority for many clubs, these publications provide a useful marketing tool for local businesses. They keep the club’s fixtures, facilities and services in the public and business eye.

VIPersonnel are confident that they can help optimise our potential and profitability through their products and services, which is why we have decided to add our company to the Birmingham City FC Year Planner for 2018 for the first time, but definitely not the last!


So Sportwise, what do you get?

The year planners are circulated out in December and they are given as a gift from the club. The audience that will receive this will be all the sponsors and associates of the club. The planner is produced on a large poster format and printed in photo quality full colour, with emphasis on the club’s official logo and images. The main focus on the release is a full working Sasco calendar that runs through the centre of the publication for recipients to map holidays and events upon.  Shown to full view alongside will be all the fixtures for the current season, Ticket details, Club contact and much more. Making this an interactive and informative publication to the recipient.

Around the perimeter, a handful of businesses are highlighted to strengthen their relationship with the audience that this is going and showcase them as a whole next to the team. Sportwise also creates a QR code that links to the company website, Fantastic!



vip recruitment sutton coldfield

vip recruitment sutton coldfield

Our Advert, which was created by the production team at Sportwise is going to feature on the Birmingham City FC 2018 year planner. We are extremely happy with the finished product.

The team  at Sportwise were incredibly helpful, from the initial contact with the sales team, right through to tweaking the design and final steps with help from the production team. An excellent example of great customer experience.

VIPersonnel love nothing more than to work in partnership with local business. With our shared love of the community and the West Midlands area as a whole, our passion is to see it grow and prosper for the businesses and people within it. With our endless energy, professional expertise and our best people leading the way, we are proud to be a part of the Birmingham City FC community with help from Sportwise.